Excel Operations using Java

Excel Operations :


We can create excel by using different jars.
But , I will prefer "Apache POI" .It has it's own features compared to other technologies for generating excel workbook.

For generating excel sheet ,I used Apache POI latest version (version 3.11) .

Apache POI jars are downloaded from following site 

But , I am using following structure for excel operations

 Now,we will start Excel operations.

Creating Excel Workbook:


             Following four lines are used for creating excel work book


when we run the above code excel workbook created .But when we open excel workbook , we will get the following error .

 We got this error , because we are not creating sheet .Excel workbook should have excel sheet.

Creating Excel Sheet:


So,for rectifying above issue now we will create sheet .For creating sheet we wi use the following line of code
            // Creating Sheet
           Sheet sheet =  wb.createSheet("Learn Differently");

Now , Sheet will be created and excel also opening fine.


Creating Row and Cells:


 Now for creating row and writing data into cell  , we will use following code.

        // Creating a row (Rows are starting from index 0 ).
            Row row = sheet.createRow(1);
            // Create a cell and put a value in it.
            Cell cell = row.createCell(1);

 Now , sheet will be created with the data.

Now , start to create excel workbooks using Apache POI .Happy coding :)

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